
Monthly Archives: November 2011

When I saw that a coffee shop opened in the Safeway strip mall on Iris and 28th, I thought “Hm. What a weird place to put a coffee shop. Who would ever go there?” I would, as it turns out.  Red Rock is a chill place, clearly off the beaten path and with much less hustle and bustle than you’d find at a coffee shop on Pearl Street.  It’s quiet, clean and filled with people working on their laptops or talking quietly amongst themselves. There are even a few comfy leather chairs up front.

This is a great place to come and chill, or have a conversation you don’t want half of the city of Boulder to overhear. You probably won’t run into anyone you know at Red Rock.

That said, I saw three people I know today…but I was there for a long time.

They make a very good cup o’ Joe, too. And I know the difference now, as I can no longer doctor it up with cream to my heart’s content. Red Rock has all the weird milk you desire, too. Soy, almond and rice for an extra charge, which is fine by me. And bonus points for the “Truvia” sweetener.  And lots of other sweeteners, as luck would have it. This is an impressive selection, even by Boulder standards.

(Truvia, Organic agave, simple syrup…oh my! There’s also honey, sugar, raw sugar and splenda. How sweet it is!)

The people who work here are very friendly, they usually have a pretty good Pandora channel on the small stereo on the counter, so the music is on in a background kinda way. Red Rock also features beautiful photography on the wall….like these:

I also like the large selection of gluten free goodies. More than most. I tried a slice of the poppyseed bread….pretty good, not too dry and crumbly and it actually resembles a tasty treat and not something you’d put in a birdfeeder.  Not bad, considering it’s gluten and dairy free…..

Another thing I like about this place is they seem to be very supportive of local companies, such as Mix1, Breeze, Breadworks and such…. Nice. And don’t forget to shop at your favorite small business on “Small Business Saturday” after Thanksgiving, by the way. Easy to do in Boulder.

(Red Rock doing its part to support local business!)

Red Rock also features a variety of loose teas for your sipping pleasure. Lots of them. And some come with suggestions on the best way to enjoy them. “Great with cream and a little sugar” says the canister of Assam, a black tea from India. Good to know. My favorite is this one, though. I’ll have to try it one of these days. Just so I know what a “monkey picked white tea” tastes like.

(Names as clever as any local dispensary….or so I’ve been told)

I’ve been here with a couple of sidekicks, both of whom had a few critiques. My chai-drinking friend says her chai was mostly a glass of milk. Another pal ordered a breggo and was disappointed when they threw it in the microwave. He prefers the press thing. Can’t say I blame him as I am sure breggos, like anything, get a little mushy in the microwave. He was also bummed out there was no blender. To this I say “Sorry bud, but I refuse to go to a coffee shop with a GUY who wants a blender drink. Get your frozen frappuccino at (gasp!) Starbucks and leave me out of it.” I’ll pay for that sass, but I stand by it. If it’s a smoothie you want, there’s a Jamba juice in the Safeway right around the bend. If it’s a blended frozen coffee drink you’re after, I won’t be a party to that. I’m sorry.  I don’t love it. If you want a milkshake, go to Glacier. We are drinking coffee here.

My girl has a point on the way diluted chai, and I agree the microwave is not a perfect heating option for your breggo, but I’m ok with the lack of blender on the premises.  That’s what is so great about being the author of this blog. Editorial power.

I like Red Rock. It’s quiet, chill and clean. The bathroom is spotless. The coffee is tasty, milk, sweetener and gluten/dairy free options abound.

Oh I’ll be back.

I’d like to take a moment to discuss a ray of sunshine on an otherwise dark and dismal day in college football last Saturday. While most of the news was sensational, shocking and sad, the happenings at Folsom Field deserve a mention. I was there in the wind. And I HATE the wind…more than most people do. But I was out there freezing my tailfeathers off and cheering the Buffs on to an awesome victory over Arizona! Well done, Buffs!! And congrats to all the seniors, including tailback Rodney “Speedy” Stewart who had an amazing game and even threw for a touchdown.

Proud to say my favorite 7 year old Buff fan knows ALL the words to all the cheers and chants, including the fight song. And yes, I even taught him the one with the F bombs in it…nothing he doesn’t hear at home on a fairly regular basis…though he is forbidden to yell it out unless and until he finds himself in the student section. Big congrats to the Buffs, coaches and fans….and of course Ralphie….for a great victory on Saturday!

Beans and suds is so happy to be back after an unscheduled hiatus. My apologies to those who have been waiting patiently for my take on all things caffeine and cocktail, but sometimes life has a way of keeping you from things you’d rather be doing.  I will not bore you with the details.

Since you heard from me last, I have discovered I am allergic to both gluten and soy. If that were not bad enough, add dairy to the list.  On the upside, I feel my dietary restrictions make me much more “Bouldery” than I was a few weeks ago. And while the gluten ban puts the brakes on my beer consumption, I am happy to announce that tequila is NOT on the restricted list! Nor are tortilla chips, salsa or guacamole. So all is not lost.

And I can drink milk. As long as it’s not cow’s milk or soy milk. Almond milk works. So does coconut milk, if I can figure out how to get the off-putting lumps out of it. Ideas, friends?

Folsom Street Coffee has almond milk! And whatever this is that I’m eating.  A gluten and dairy free millet triangle of some kind or other.

My point here is while I’d rather be eating any one of these….

…or sharing what my sidekick is eating….

Folsom Street has you in mind, my food-restricted friends!

I like this place, even though it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to head north out of the parking lot most times of the day.  Do not be put off by it’s unimpressive exterior, it’s full of good stuff!

Folsom Street is a great place to come and enjoy a quinoa crumble with a pal, who is enjoying his sour cream coffee cake even more.  Also a great place to come get some work done, read a book or just look around at all the cool stuff on the walls and hanging from the ceiling.

Like this….

Which, if you believe the lady who told me so when she asked why I was walking around a coffee shop taking pictures, are creations of a local artist who once lived in the building in the alley behind Folsom Street Coffee (a building I was also told is in danger of being torn down). Amazing the things you learn when you wander around with a camera in your hand. (Note to self: this could be another blog idea….I just take the camera around town with me and take pictures of things most people don’t. Like the insides of coffee shops. Imagine the possibilities…..)

Water pitchers. And glasses. Nice touch, Folsom Street. Eating baked goods is thirsty work indeed. And this saves me from: a. having to bother the barista, b. having to buy a bottle of water, c. listening to my sidekick tell me about how he’s dying of thirst and could I please get back in line and get him some water?….see what I mean?

Speaking of baristas, these guys are way friendly. I told them about the blog and they thought it was cool….or they made me think so anyway, which is really the same thing as far as I’m concerned…. AND they didn’t make me feel like a jackass for ordering almond milk. Thanks, guys.

And I do feel like a jackass. I’m sorry, but I feel like the guy on “LA Story” who orders a “half caf, double decaf with a twist.” And I guess now that I’m ordering milk made out of nuts I can no longer roll my eyes when my brother orders his “wet cap with extra foam and caramel sauce” and I should probably stop asking “what is wrong with you?” Because it seems hypocritical of me now. And I guess I’ll have to stop my aggressive sighing when the person in front of me orders “a 150 degree soy mocha with an extra shot and lotsa whip”….which I still, for the record, think is a little silly.  The problem is I am no longer the guy on the moral high ground who orders an “americano with room.”

I’m really going to have to figure out how to drink my americano black, to spare myself the humiliation of putting some poor barista through this “Yeah, hi. Ummm, after conferring with my naturopath, my acupuncturist, my intuitive, my therapist, my trainer, my astrologer, my cranial sacrial worker, my yoga teacher, my meditation instructor, my guru, my hairdresser and my tea leaves reader, we have all come to the conclusion that I simply cannot make due with your milk offerings.  I am actually my best self when I stick to kangaroo milk.  It’d be awesome if you guys had that for my americano.” It doesn’t matter that none of that is what comes out of my mouth. It just sounds like that in my head.

Important note here:  do not think that if you can’t drink regular milk I view you in this way. The voices in my head judge me by a much, much different standard they do outsiders. If you’re cool with ordering your fairly high maintenance drink with a nonconventional milk, my hat’s off to you. I just can’t do it.

Black americanos from now on.  I’ll give extra credit to coffee shops that carry “Truvia,” which is  a sugar substitute made from the stevia plant. Hahahahaha!! Oh my God! Now even my sweetener order is getting difficult. Sugar? No can do. Artificial sweetener? Ew. Why don’t you just offer me a “Tab” while you’re at it? It’ll kill me faster.

My apologies to Folsom Street Coffee for my rantings, but I think  it’s a side effect of bread and cheese withdrawal……

In short, Folsom Street is a great little place to get your fix. I’m going back for sure…because there I don’t HAVE to drink my americano black. This funky place has a chill vibe and friendly baristas. And good food and drink options. I like it so much I’ll even think of something to do to the west, east or south of here when I’m done!

Oh yes. And I finished “War and Peace.” Yes I did.

And I have also started “An Ideal Husband,” because I LOVE Oscar Wilde.  He is definitely tops on my list of “people dead or alive that you’d want to have coffee with.” I imagine our time together would be full of witty banter, he’s a pro. And there’s nothing quite like an Irishman with an audience. I think happy hour would be better for us two, though….